viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

Not just a Bench full of Leaves/No es solamente un Banco cubierto de Hojas

Maybe what you see when first looking at the picture above is a bench full of leaves, perhaps you might even think is covered with dirt. However, what I saw when I took the photo, was a totally different thing. I saw poetry in it, I saw a solitary bench covered in Autumn, in Autumn leaves giving it company, and the bench was not alone then.

Quizás lo que primero veas en esta foto sea un banco lleno de hojas, incluso pienses que está cubierto de porquería. Sin embargo, lo que yo vi cuando hce la foto, fue algo totalmente distinto. Vi poesía en él, vi un banco solitario cubierto de otoño, de hojas de otoño acompañándolo, por lo tanto, ya no estaba solo.

M.G.A (Shary).

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